Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why I Write

I've been thinking a lot lately.  About everything.  And tonight in my various wonderings I realized why I write.

I have a very hard time sharing my heart with anyone, even my closest friends has been broken.  The one who did it doesn't know it, and I didn't realize it until recently.

My mom actually pointed that out to me the other day, when my sister was doing her job of prying.

I write to share my heart in the most indirect way possible.  I fumble with words in real life, but in writing I can tweak it, fix it, bend it, coat it, until it has the meaning I want to convey, and a strand of my heart twisted in it.

It's how I share me.

God bless,
Charlotte Grace, the Mind Traveler

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beautiful People, January Edition + OYAN

So, yes, it's that time again.  Beautiful People....
I'm going to interview Dyani today, who is the MC in my OYAN novel (I'll talk more about that in a minute).

1. If character's house burned down, and they were left with nothing but the clothes on their back, what would they do? Where would they go?
My house has already burned down, you know, and I ended up in the castle with the foulest woman you will ever meet.
 2. Are they happy with where they are in life, or would they like to move on? 
Get.  Me. Out of here....
  3. Are they well-paid? 
I haven't held any type of money in my hand for five years.
 4. Can they read? 
I've never had cause to, and I don't ever want to.
  5. What languages do they speak?
Oh, I don't know.  English perhaps?
 6. What is their biggest mistake? 
I refuse to live life with any regrets.
 7. What did they play with most as a child? 
Horses!  Dad owned a stable.
 8. What are their thoughts on politics? 
I could care less.
 9. What is their expected life time? 
Well, at the moment, I could be killed if I turned the wrong direction.  Let's hope to make it to my fifteenth birthday.
 10. If they were falsely accused of murder, what would they do? How would they react?
I would probably end up in a shouting match, and if I couldn't win, I'd run away.

Okay, now that that is done, I should probably tell you that I'm not planning on posting very often, but I am planning on keeping up with all the blogs I follow.  ~eyeroll~

On other fantastic news, I'm currently in the middle of chapter four with my OYAN novel.  It will be referred to as "OYAN novel" because it has yet to be named.

Dyani is turning out to be much more fiery than I anticipated.  Alistair can't get in two words before she blows up for some sort of offense, and it appears Dyani is bringing out his bad side, because Alistair is angered easily by her.  Still, I like writing about Dyani.  She's basically me pumped up in over-honesty plus the fact she can talk to people she doesn't know easily.

In other words, this should be interesting.

~Charlotte Grace, the Mind Traveler

Thursday, January 05, 2012

A Seriously Lame Post That Doesn't Have Any Excuses In It Whatsoever

I'm mostly writing this to say that, no, I haven't forgotten you (although, judging by my page views recently, I may have been forgotten).  I'm not even going to make excuses, because I spent my entire break reading and I most likely could have made an exception to talk to you.
And to talk about Mist Made, and other recent writing adventures.
I have begun the long and slow editing process of Mist Made.  This is the first time I have ever seriously confronted a novel of my writing (I have Wolf Call, Wolf Heart, and Luna Larka, of course).  I'm planning on taking it slowly, and, to avoid staring at a computer screen all day, I'm going to print it out chapter by chapter.  That way I won't think about how much ink I'm using either, if I don't do the whole thing.  (And the paper...when you use 12 point Courier and double space's at 213 pages right now.)
Mist Made has been the first project I am really excited about, and, although I will probably never try to publish it, it's one of my greatest prides at the moment.

As for other writing adventures, I've tentatively gone back to inkpop, and I'm just kind of reading a few things here and there.  I don't have anything up (and won't for a while).

I'm planning on focusing on my writing a lot more now, since that is what I want to do with my life.  Up until now I've been rather lax.  Wish me luck!  Or don't.

~Charlotte Grace, the Mind Traveler