One Year Adventure Novel

So yes.  I mention the One Year Adventure Novel (OYAN) curriculum a lot anymore, and you may be asking, "What in the world is
that?"  So, I'm going to take some stuff straight from the website and share with you a little of the epicness that is OYAN.

"The One Year Adventure Novel curriculum

... guides students (grades 8-12) through the process of writing a structured, compelling adventure novel over the course of one school year. The program's unique approach to writing begins where many writing course don't go at all, with an exploration of Story.
78 lessons guide beginning authors step-by-step through a process that ends with the creation of an original, fully structured adventure novel.
The One-Year Adventure Novel Curriculum is taught on DVD by award-winning novelist Daniel Schwabauer. It includes an in-depth textbook, a student workbook, and a teacher's guide as listed below.

What it isn't:
- It's not a spelling curriculum.
- It's not a traditional English course. We DO study some classic novels, but we don't cover everything a traditional High School English class covers. The things we do cover, we cover in far more depth than most college courses.
- It's not fluffy. You will be challenged."

"However, it is NOT a traditional English curriculum. Students study classic adventure novels and write their own book through a process of answering questions and story building. It offers a great deal of depth, because students learn by doing. In actually writing their own novel, they will understand characterization and conflict much better than they would by merely reading about them, or even by analyzing them in Romeo and Juliet or Cyrano de Bergerac. It is a little like learning to work on an engine. You can read as much as you want about how engines work, but some things must be learned by the experience of taking an engine apart and putting it back. Such practical experience builds understanding and confidence.
   That's the approach taken by The One Year Adventure Novel. First we take stories apart; then we put one together.
   But because of this, the writing curriculum isn't as broad in scope as a traditional English class. We don't study as many topics as traditional curriculums do. What we do study, we study in depth."

Sound awesome yet?  Yeah, I thought so.  You can get a free demo disc here, or check out the official website  for more info and such.

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