Sunday, February 05, 2012

Birthday Resolutions

So, my birthday is today.
I'm not quite sure what to say.

I've grown a lot in the past year.  In my thinking, my writing, my theology...

I've always thought that birthdays are better times to make resolutions than the new year, so here are some thoughts that have been flitting about in my head about what I could improve.

In my fourteenth year I want to strive to live like Jesus, especially in my family, since that's where I am lax, if disciplined at all.

I want to pour God into my writing, give it meaning.  This world is broken, and I want to help the healing process in any way I can, even if it's just in a few words on a page. 

I want to practice caring about the people around me.  I have a tendency to brush things away because I don't want to have to deal with them.  This is a selfish thing to do...and I've been beating myself up over it recently.

Lastly, I want to start thinking more positive thoughts about people.  I've always been an optimist,  but I have a tendency to start thinking about bad qualities in the people I meet, especially people I am close with.

Through this I need to remember to pray and that it won't happen overnight.
And, of course, I need to remember: One can make a difference.

"Give me yours eyes for just one second.  Give me your eyes so I can see everything that I keep missing.  Give me your love for humanity." ~Brandon Heath, Give Me Your Eyes

~Charlotte Grace, the Mind Traveler

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